Rome total war cheats destroy faction


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 › rtw › info › cheats. › rome-total-war › cheats. Rome: Total War You can do the same for for morale, fatigue, fog of war, etc. values. Remove faction from the game, kill_faction [value]. Before attempting to do this, you MUST have at least 3,, denarii with the money cheat. First, contact the faction you want to destroy. Then, ask them for all their cities. They will almost always agree unless you give them more than 1,, denarii. (which you have a MAJOR surplus of) If they don't agree, wait a couple turns then try again. Rome: Total War Cheats. destroy any siege weapon the enemy posess, then exit the battle. ect. But beware, as soon as you do away with the senate, the other loyal Roman factions declare war. Rome: Total War. Kill Faction. User Info: t_trumbull. t_trumbull 12 years ago #1. Whenever i try to use the kill_faction cheat it tells me command not recognized. I type it in kill_faction goths. Is there another way i should be typing it or is there a defferant problem. User Info: t_trumbull. t_trumbull (Topic Creator) 12 years ago #bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 1 min.


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